Ready-made borders - Keep it cool

Ready-made borders

Keep it cool

Cool colours in the garden not only have a soothing effect on the eye, but are also very good in small gardens as the cool tones tend to recede and therefore make the garden look bigger.

Planting tips: This border will provide colour for a large part of the year. The display kicks off in early spring when the delicate flowers of the Mezereon (Daphne) make their appearance, and carries on right through to the autum with the turf lily (Liriope), Michaelmas daisy (Aster) and bluebeard (Caryopteris) winding up the year. Find a sunny spot with good soil for best results.

You will need a border 3.5m long by 1.75m wide.

Buy all 32 items for the border Keep it cool border

Subtotal: £359.48

Promotions: -£21.59

Total: £337.89

Availability: In stock (shipped within 3-5 working days) Please note some items are unavailable

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